Monday, December 31, 2007

CVS Savings!!!

I went to CVS yesterday and had my best ever buy!! I got:

Charmin 9 pack roll of toilet paper
Bounty 8 pack paper towels
Tide liquid detergent
3 CVS cough drops
Airborne dual pack (daytime and nighttime)
Dawn dish detergent
Feminine pads

I had the following coupons:

$4 off $20 purchase, $5 off $15 purchase, $2 off $10 purchase, Tide $.35, Charmin $.25, Boutny $.25, Airborne $1.00, Dawn $.75, and $5.49 ECB (extra care bucks). I spent $2.37 our of pocket. I should have received 3-$.99 ECB. The ECB didn't print for some reason. I asked the clerk (Andy) why. The manager came over and couldn't figure out how to make it print the bucks so he returned me the $2.97!! I think that means they paid me $.60 to take the merchandise out of the store!!!
Eeyore just shook his head in disbelief!!!

Happy New Year to us!!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007





I can't Believe it's our last night here at Granny's . It seems like we just got here. Who would ever wanna leave this beautiful place?!?! Unfortunately we can't escape from reality and stay in our quiet little hideout forever.

Last night I got to have a wonderful, long, luxorious bath in Granny's jacuzzi tub!! Pocahontas massaged my shoulders, neck, temples, and later my back. She also gave me a pedicure. I loved it!! She told me she'd do it again sometime, but I had to pay her then..."Today is free day", is what she told me.

Today Fiddly, Granny, Pocahantas, and I all went shopping, mostly for a prom dress. I found one that I absolutely love!! But we needed to get the approval from Eeyore first. My mom had an appointment with Granny's hair dresser to get a haircut so after that Eeyore met us at Dillards to see the dress. He actually said he thought it looked it's not his favorite dress, but he did approve! Granny has a shawl that goes perfectly with it too. After that all of us went to eat lunch at Logan's. We were all stuffed. Fiddle D. Dee, Granny, and I all went to look for shoes to go with my dress after we ate. Eeyore, Lightning, and Pocahantas decided to go back to Granny's instead of more shopping. We didn't find any shoes, but we did stop by my uncle's house on the way home to see the puppies. They're so cute! There are eleven puppies, 5 solid black, 5 black with gray and white spots and one chocolate one. I forgot my camera at Granny's so I didn't get any pictures, but we're hoping to go back by on the way home 2morrow, because the little kids didn't get to go see them, so I'll try again then. When we got home Pocahontas and I rode the golf cart for a little bit, then we went down to the river to see how many crabs we had in the crab baskets(to see if we had enough to eat). We had six, I wasn't sure that, that was enough, but Fiddly talked me into it. So we took them out, declawed them, and I cleaned them almost by myself. Since Fiddly and I did all the work and there were only six(little ones) we ate them all. I did have to call my cousin to make sure I remembered right, and she talked me through that part that she did the last time(mostly laughing at me). And in my opinoin they all turned out very good! I think that's all for now...

... Oh and for those inquiring minds wanting to see pictures of our Christmas morning, well all of those pics are on Granny's camera and she has a different kind of memory card than me and at the moment I have no way of getting them on here. So hopefully sometime later I'll be able to get those and put them on for all to see.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

We get to open one present on Christmas Eve, Pocahantas chose to unwrap me.
So, I was planning on writing about the rest of our time here at Granny's on the last post and having just one big post, but when I went to put the pictures on I kinda screwed it all up, as you can probably tell from the random gaps in between the pics, but alas that didn't happen so I'm just making it into 2 posts.

We didn't have a Christmas Eve dinner with all my cousins like we usually do, but instead we had a Christmas "Adam" dinner as Sully calls it(because Adam came b4 Eve). And for this Christmas "Adam" dinner we had a Mexican meal with tamales, Mexican rice, guacamole, tortillas and a Mexican cake. I forgot what the cake's called something like 3 milk cake or something. I didn't really like it, but it looked pretty, and on top it said Feliz Navidad. For an appetizer or whatever you wanna call it we had bean dip and tortilla chips. Christmas just wouldn't be the same
without our Mexican food. The tamales are my favorite!!

Today we had pancakes, bacon, and sausage for breakfast. And for a late lunch and early dinner we has turkey and dressing, giblet gravy, mashed potatoes, broccoli with cheese and these little Greek things that had spinach and feta cheese wrapped in this thin pastry type thing.

Then we went to my uncle's house to see the car my cousin got. We didn't stay long, because one of my cousins was sick running a fever, and all she wanted was for me to hold her. I kinda freaked out cause I'm a bit of a germ-a-phobe. I felt sorry for her cause I could tell she didn't fell good, but I didn't wanna get sick either. So we got outta there as soon as possible. As soon as we got home I stripped off all my germ filled clothes and jumped in the shower. I also dowsed the jacket I was wearing in Lysol, but the sad thing is I'll probably still get sick...I don't want to, but because of irony it's bound to happen. Pray that the rest of us all stay healthy!!

That's pretty much all that's happened so far. We did go see National Treasure 2 one was good!! I can't wait to find out what kinda fun we're gonna have the rest of the long as everyone's feeling well.

Merry Christmas!!!

We hope you all have had an amazing Christmas!! We sure's always fun here at Granny's house. We came down here Friday and met Granny and our cousin Nikki at Aunt Bo's, a new seafood buffet near where she lives. It was good, but not my favorite. Later that afternoon the little kids wanted to check Granny's crab we went down to the river to look and we had 14 crabs!! Even though we had seafood for lunch we were all craving freshly boiled crab...Granny makes the best! The only problem...who would clean the crabs so they could be cooked and eaten? Well my cousin assured us she knew how to do it, and thinking that if she could do it surely I could too, I volunteered to help. So with the careful instruction of my cousin I proceeded to "wash the guts out" after she cracked open the shells and handed them to me. It's probably one of the grossest things I've ever done. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to eat one, much less enjoy it, because just the thought of eating what I had just had my hands all in made me queasy. I did however eat one and a half and they were very good! I was pretty proud of myself, even though my cousin did most of the work.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy 21st Anniversary Mom and Dad!!!


Monday, December 17, 2007

CVS Bargains!!!

How much would you think I spent on this purchase from CVS??? My husband guessed $8.00. I have been following tips listed on I used CVS coupons,ECB, and manufactured coupons and ended up having to add the Snickers bar because they wouldn't pay me to walk out with the merchandise!! I spent a total of $0.39!!! My daughter couldn't believe it!! Also in return I got $12.49 in ECB and $4 off $20 purchase!!! I do plan to go back this week for another purchase! I wonder if I will do as well then????

2 Christmas beauties!!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Our school has a new mascot!! Our cheerleading coach had the costume made and it looks very cute. My friend and I (the 2 seniors) named him. His full name is M.J. Ziggy Daniels, M for her name, J for my name, we got Daniels from her middle name Danielle, and we just liked Ziggy!! Although, everyone just calls him M.J. Now, I know you probably didn't need or want to know the full name and explanation of the name, but I thought I'd share that anyway.

The boy who wears the mascot costume is actually one of the football players, who happens to have a better toe-touch than most, if not all of us on the squad. He's a pretty good mascot, but at one point he got tired, so his MOM got in the costume to give him a break, and I guess he was embarrassed or something because he never got back in it. I think it would be fun to put on the costume and jump around and act crazy. I would've given him a break and put on the costume, if I wasn't cheering. I think as long as his mom doesn't get back in it he'll do a great job. Well I hope all of this makes sense and isn't too wordy, because it's 11 o'clock at night and past my bed time!!

Jesus loves you,