Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

We hope you all have had an amazing Christmas!! We sure have...it's always fun here at Granny's house. We came down here Friday and met Granny and our cousin Nikki at Aunt Bo's, a new seafood buffet near where she lives. It was good, but not my favorite. Later that afternoon the little kids wanted to check Granny's crab baskets...so we went down to the river to look and we had 14 crabs!! Even though we had seafood for lunch we were all craving freshly boiled crab...Granny makes the best! The only problem...who would clean the crabs so they could be cooked and eaten? Well my cousin assured us she knew how to do it, and thinking that if she could do it surely I could too, I volunteered to help. So with the careful instruction of my cousin I proceeded to "wash the guts out" after she cracked open the shells and handed them to me. It's probably one of the grossest things I've ever done. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to eat one, much less enjoy it, because just the thought of eating what I had just had my hands all in made me queasy. I did however eat one and a half and they were very good! I was pretty proud of myself, even though my cousin did most of the work.



Fiddle D. Dee said...

You did a great job Dory!! I'm hoping to have more crabs before we have to go home! Are you up to more cleaning???

Lady Why said...

Great pictures!!! Yucky subject matter but great pictures none the less. Ha! Fresh crab just can't be beat!! Remember your favorite aunt back home with some of those extra crabs (preferably already cleaned!), will ya?

Lady Why said...

OK, Dory, I have to know... upon closer inspection of these pictures, I notice a sign on the window sill in the background that reads "I kiss better..." Better than what? Better than whom? Better than how?

Please give me the rest of the sentence! Inquiring minds want to know!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

"I kiss better than I cook!!"" This is Granny's theme! She is a wonderful cook though!!

Lady Why said...

Wow! That must mean Granny is some kisser!! ~wink, wink~