Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bloggy Giveaways!

Can you say fun???!!!

It's that time again for the Bloggy Giveaways hosted by Shannon at R
ocks in my Dryer!

I figured I would offer something that EVERYONE would love to have! Who doesn't love.....

I am giving away a $15 dollar gift card to Starbucks!

To enter to win all you have to do is leave a comment ( be sure and tell me your favorite Starbucks drink!) Also, make sure to leave a valid email address.

This giveaway will end on February 2nd @ Noon Central time! This is for US residents only.

Please be sure to check out all the other great giveaways going on by visiting Shannon at Bloggy Giveaways.


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CPA Mom said...

Favorite: Skinny Tall Cinnamon Dulce!

Me said...

Love starbucks Caramel Machioto...

Searching For Simplicity said...

Ok, this will sound totally lame here LOL but I have NEVER had anything from Starbucks. Really!! Probably because with a family of 5 soon to be 6 we never have any extra money for such things LOL. I believe my husband had a coffee from there once and really enjoyed it. That's actually why I'm entering for this. He loves coffee but rarely gets anything special for him. I would love to win this for him. Thanks for the entry.

brandy said...

i 've been to starbucks once. to exspensive. hot chocolate would be my favorite

Unknown said...

sign me up please! I like a venti white chocolate mocha with 1 pump of flavoring. (flavoring depends on my mood) of course you also have to add the whipped cream! yummy

Deborah said...

please enter me! a mocha grande frappachino!

Jen said...

Yippee! Thanks.

Unsinkable Kristen said...

Yummo! Sounds like fun! My favorite drink is a Tall Peppermint Java Chip Frappachino. What a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... DT NF SF Cinn. Dolce!!! BUT... I heard that they have a new SF Mocha. This I've got to try!!!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Yum ... my favorite is a Venti 6-pump non-fat Chai Latte. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Deanne said...

Awesome giveaway! My fav drink is the vanilla bean frappaccino. Yum!

mattie said...

Skinny cinnamon dolce latte for me please...thank you!!! mengels[at]hotmail[dot]com

gpc said...

A skinny dolce cinnamon latte for me, please!

Name: Jenni said...

My favorite is Caramel Apple Cider, not much of a coffee drinker, and this is AWESOME!


Tuesday Girl said...

I am pregnant and boring so I just order a decaf coffee right now!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

My favorite is the Hot Apple Cider - tastes like apple pie! Great giveaway!

Please feel free to stop by my giveaway.


Rhonda said...

I love Starbucks Hot Chocolate! :)

Anonymous said...

caramel macchiato & a blueberry scone is my fave!

Londa said...

Oh, I could go for a chai right now... great giveaway!

ljbs3 (at) juno (dot) com

Kim said...

Love it!

Sweetpeas said...

I love Starbucks Mocha Frappucchino!!

~Nancy~ said...

Ummm, mocha..or caramel mocha!

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance and please be sure to come enter mine.

It's Whimsy said...

Cinnamon Dolche Latte. Mmmm.

Rebecca said...

green tea frap!
rebeccagillespie at gmail.com

Owner said...

caramel apple cider.

~~Deby said...

~*~caramel macchiato~*~

Please enter me,

yesipray at gmail dot com

Kristi said...

MMMMMMMM........ White Chocolate Mocha, skim milk, WITH whip, of course! :) Thank you for entering me. :)

Kathy in WA said...

Hi! Thanks for the great giveaway. I like to keep the costs down so I usually order a half-caffe Americano with 2 inches of steamed 2%. :)

Unknown said...

I love Starbucks! Please enter my name in your drawing. The drink I always order is a 'tall extra hot caramel apple cider'. Yum!


Karin said...

I have never had a Starbuck's coffee-- don't live near one. I did used to live in Starbuck, Minnesota though! Great small town!
I would give this to my sister if I won-- she lives in the Twin Cites.

Thanks for the giveaway!

krista said...

caramel apple cider for me! :)

ohAmanda said...

I'm not a real coffee-lover but their hot chocolate with whip is to die for!

Anonymous said...

Mocca Frap!
Count me in! I would LOVE that!!!
Thanks so much!!!


Beckyb said...

Oh - my favorite!!! Caramel Machiatto - that's my drink of choice!!! What a great prize!!!

ladyinwaitingblogdesign AT gmail.com

lace said...

favorite drink is a white chocolate latte decaf.

Rachel said...

Best friends

CrystalGB said...

Caramel Frappaccino is my favorite. Thanks for the chance.

ETXmomof2 said...

Cafe Mocha!!

suzzcq70 said...

hooked on decaf soy lattes . . .

Traumajunky said...

Hot chocolate

Sharon said...

Yummy! Please enter me into this drawing. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

vanilla latte with whip

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Munchkin and I like either a vanilla bean or a strawberries & cream frap. Yum! Thanks!

Celeste said...

Peppermint Mocha, please!

driftwoodthimble.com said...

Non fat Latte...boring and safe but so yummy!


Liz Zelie said...

Definitely their hot chocolate. So creamy!

Anonymous said...

Chai Latte!!


Denise said...

Tall sugar-free non-fat cinnamon dolce latte no whip please. Thanks!!

Andrea said...

Carmel Machiatto! mmmmmmm

heidi @ ggip said...

Hi. I would love to win. I am one of those people who doesn't really know how to order at Starbucks, so my favorite is when somebody else orders for me. I like mocha like thingeys though. With lots of sugar.

Have fun!

Kara K said...

White chocolate raspberry mocha. One a day keeps the doctor away :)

dana said...

Big Venti Frappacino - my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Tall Skinny Cin. Dolce. Yum and only 2 pts!

Betsy said...

Yay! Love SB!

Anonymous said...

I will be the happiest blogger on the planet if I win one of these Starbucks giftcard:). It'll help me feed my caramel machiatto addiction!!

Thanks for the offer; hope you're able to visit my blog, too :).

Daily give-aways til Friday!

Kristen M. said...

My favorite drink is a chai tea.

Molly said...

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love Starbucks' hot chocolate!

White hot chocolate with whip cream and nutmeg on top, please!

Glass Half Full said...

Sign me up!


Jessica said...

Tall, NF, No H2O Chai Latte. Yum! I Need one right now!!!!!

Katie Swaner said...

Until I won a gift card a couple months ago, I had never been to Starbucks. but I loved the White Chocolate Mocha that I had that one time.

Brandi said...

Love the mochas! Thanks!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

grande chai or non-fat caffe mocha.

please count me in. thanks! :)

Shana said...

What a great giveaway. Please count me in and thanks for the chance to win. :o) And believe it or not but I have NEVER been to a Starbucks. I live in a very small town, but there is one in Toledo. If I win I will just have to make the trip. I love Mocha Caps from our local Coffee shop so I bet they are great a Starbucks too. sis0321{at}hotmail{dot}com

Anonymous said...

Peppermint mocha ship frapaccino (sp?) Thanks! adavieau@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

Oh Starbucks, my love! I am probably too fond of their iced caramel macchiato. I even love how it comes to you in layers. Please count me in!


peg42 said...

I love the Mocha Frappucchino. Thanks for the terrific giveaway.


Java chip frappaccino....thanks for the giveaway

Taryn said...

vanilla frapp!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

White hot chocolate yum!!!

Katie said...

Grande Non-Fat Caramel Macciato!! Thanks for the chance to win!!


Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I love Caffe Mocha! I usually get nonfat just to relieve some of the guilt...

Spookygirl said...

Venti non-fat Gingerbread Latte No Whip!

Tyna said...

Cinnamon Dolce Latte!!

windycindy said...

What a fantastic giveaway. You can't go wrong with a gift card! I like the vanilla latte. Please enter me in your giveaway drawing. Thanks,Cindi

A Peek Into My Life said...

Yum, yum, YUM! White chocolate mocha, please! :)

deejay @ hrtc dot net :)

Anonymous said...

Make mine a Grande Caramel Macchiato!!

Mmmmm...Starbucks gives me a smile in the morning. I would love to win. Please count me in.

christy0214 AT cox.net

Anonymous said...

Yum! Yum! Yum! My favorite is white chocolate mocha! No blog, but my e-mail is onehoppinmom @ yahoo. com Thanks! Beth

Anonymous said...

Mocha frapps with extra chocolate! Yummy. My email is on my sidebar! :)

katie said...

french vanilla latte, please.


Jeni said...

Mocha frapp - yum! My "treat for Mommy" when we're running errands!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fiddle D. Dee...love the giveaway and while I doubt I would win, I just want to say HI and I love your site. You are my inspiration. Thanks for all your encouragement and advice.

Love you...MJ

Sarah said...

chi tea for me :)

Sarah said...

chi tea for me :)

Anonymous said...

Peppermint Mocha...Yum!

Kimmie said...

Oh, I don't have a favorite, each time I try something new. Does the fact that I love the two green velour chairs at my Starbucks count?

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Someone Being Me said...

Yum, I love the Cafe Mocha with whipped cream. Please sign me up.

karmama said...

Iced soy latte!

Megan said...

I love me a good chai latte from Starbucks!
Thank you for this awesome giveaway, I'd love to be entered to win.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Who doesn't LOVE Starbuck's! Count me in!

Hey, thanks for coming by to visit in Mel's World! Nice to meet ya!


My fav drink, Venti, Iced Carm. Macc, Non Fat, Upside Down (oh yeah, I am one complicated chick!)

Christine said...

I could always go for a Chai Latte!

Scarlett said...

Mmmmm..double chocolate frappaccino.

Allison said...

I love STarbucks. I love their vanilla creme fraps! YUM! :)

phxbne said...

Grande nonfat no foam latte for me!

Jenny said...

They have the BEST hot chocolate!!!

Susan said...

Oh I could use some Starbucks right now!

Great offer, count me in!

Miscellany Mom said...

white mocha!

Sheila said...

I love the Cinnamon Dolce lattes!

My husband would like me to win this giveaway since I spend too much at S'Bucks!

ali said...

Please enter me. i love chai

Contessa Kris said...

My teenager is a huge Starbucks lover. Her fav is Mocha Frappachino lite w/whipped cream. Venti of course.

Georgia4God said...

yummy! I loves me some starbucks.. I love the mocha frap! no whip cream :o)

Erin said...

Favorite drink would be Carmel Apple Cider. Yummy! Thanks for the giveaway.

LadySnow said...

Who wouldn't love a gift card!

Amanda Moore said...

I love caramel frappucinos and this would help me buy alot of them. YUMMY

Melissa Markham said...

Chocolate Peppermint Mocha....yummy!

Sheila said...

My favorite starbucks beverage is the Java Chip Frappuccino!

Natalie said...

My favorite is gingerbread steamers!!! But they are seasonal so steamers are the best in any flavor!!!!

The Chatty Housewife said...

I love any type of latte but most of all the seasonal ones- gingerbread or egg nog!


Jessica said...

mmm... a caramel machiatto is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I love Vanilla Lattes!

Wendy said...

I am not a big coffee drinker but I LOVE their white hot chocolate! YUM!!

Chantelle said...

this is awesome! thanks! mine is white chocolate mocha

Unknown said...

I love the white chocolate mocha too! Thanks for the giveaway!

Missy said...

Americano w/cream! Count me in!

JaniceJ said...

I love starbucks, my favorite is
mocha grande frappachino, thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

please sign me up

michelle said...

My favourite Starbucks drink is usually a hot chocolate or a Tazo Berry Tea. I would love to be entered in your drawing.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Barb said...

Chai Latte for me please - I'd like to win...Please pick me!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

My favorite Starbucks drink is a Caramel Macchiato. I would love to win. Thanks so much!

Susan said...

Starbucks? Did someone say Starbucks? That's music to my ears. Make that a caramel macchiato please!

Rachel said...

Oh sign me up please!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me for your giveaway!
It sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I like any kind of mocha :). Please count me in. Thanks!

natasha said...

Iced Caramel Macchioto with extra carmel, yeah I know not the best way to lose my baby fat hehe but its SOOOO yummy!!

Unknown said...

I love their Peppermint Mocha!!

Ben and April said...

Java Chip Frap!!! Thanks!


Alaina said...

Yum! I love Starbucks! My current favorite is a grande NF peppermint mocha w/whip. :)

Carrie said...

I love the chai lattes!!! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

Chai Tea Latte for me!

Jenna said...

I really like the seasonal drinks (peppermint, pumpkin spice, etc)... but I'll drink just about anything from there!

Sue said...

My favorite is Chai Tea Latte too! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Cinnamon dulce latte! Yum!

nnjmom at yahoo dot com

CC said...

Cinnamon Dulce Latte please!

threelilmnms said...

Very nice giveaway!!! I like chai tea with soy. Thank you for hosting! Leinani

Nise' said...

Caramel Apple Cider on indulgent days and skinny hot chocolate on the others. Thanks.

Julie Donahue said...

The only thing I drink at Starbucks in hot chocolate, but DH has been frequenting the TWO new shops in town.

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

Raspberry Mocha Frappachino !!! Love Starbucks!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Come visit I am having a giveaway too!!



CG said...

I think I love just about everything but if I had to pick my favorite it would be Pumpkin Spice Latte! It's the best!

Megan said...

Pumpkin Spice Latte is my fav too!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, the Pumpkin Spice Latte is great, but just plain coffee with half & half is hard to beat.

Anonymous said...

Nothin says lovin like a latte at starbucks,,,great giveaway. thanks.

Hootyboosmom said...

Cool gift! I *Heart* Grande Mocha Fraps!!! Thanks for offering!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Carmel Mocha

Team Zachary said...

Peppermint Mocha!!! YUM YUM YUM!!!

Thanks for offering this awesome opportunity for the giveaway! You are very generous! Good luck to all!

palmtreefanatic said...

please please count me in! I wanna white Rasberry moch!
thank you so much for a chance!

Anonymous said...

Steamed Almond Milk, mmmmm

rookiem at live dot com

Anonymous said...

Carmel Apple Cider! Yummy!

Shannon said...

You know, when I read through people's comments, I realize that in my little Starbucks world, I have not yet lived. There are many new things that I never knew even existed that I have yet to try at Starbucks! I don't get there very often, but I definitely need to branch out a bit...that apple caramel cider sounds intriguing as does the white raspberry mocha!

Erin said...

I always get a grande chai creme frap no whip...
Looks like I'm the only one that wants this card. LOL

Maude Lynn said...

Would you believe that I order plain coffee at Starbucks? It's true!

Rachie S. said...

caramel apple cider. Mmmmmm!
Thanks for this great giveaway!

United Studies said...

My fav is the mocha frappachino! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Re said...

carmel mocha!

GREAT giveaway! Count me in!


Kira said...

Yummers! Peppermint hot chocolate!

Zaankali said...

Chai. Please include me.

ahiltz said...

Love Starbucks and their Carmel Mochiatos (sp?), LOL! Thanks so much for doing this!


Lissete said...

I loved the Choc. Brownie Frapp but the evil meanies got rid of it. So now I get a Java Chip Frapp or a Strawberries & Cream Frapp.

Linda said...

I love me a Chai Tea Latte :)
Thanks for the great giveaway.

Sharon said...

I love mochas! And I'd love a chance to win!

Jennifer McNichols said...

I heart the chai tea latte!

Katie said...

Mmmm...Peppermint Mocha.

jayedee said...

i have NEVER been to starbucks! too busy raising 12 kids i guess. but now, we're down to 6 at home and i have a little time for me!
what an absolutely wonderful giveaway! please throw my name into the hat too! good luck everyone!

Julie said...

thanks for the giveaway! i love the hot chocolate.

Erin said...

I like the Chai Frappuccino Creme. Thanks for the drawing!

emhagedon at gmail

Anonymous said...

How fun! Please enter me!

Mom To B and W said...

Decaf white chocolate mocha please!

Anonymous said...

Hazelnut Skim Latte - sounds plain, but tastes soooo good!

Anonymous said...

Hazelnut Skim Latte - sounds plain, but tastes soooo good!

Anonymous said...

raspberry mocha!!!!

Mama Said Sew said...

Vanilla Bean Fraps are my favorite. Can't wait for the warm weather!

Debbie#3 said...

Well, the wuss that I am loves the everyday hot chocolate. It doesn't have any extra sugar and I get it with the whipped cream on top - its such a treat!

Britni said...

Really my favorite thing from Starbucks isn't a drink. It's a cream cheese danish, especially early in the morning when they're fresh!

Melanie said...

Caramal Macchiato but during the holiday it's the gingerbread latte! Yummy!

Anonymous said...

A mocha frapppuccino with no whipped cream makes my day. Somehow everything looks a little brighter . . . Thanks for hosting this contest! lwalker (at) truevine (dot) net

charmed said...

What a great giveaway! Please enter me, arogers(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

dbl tall vanilla latte

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Tall decaf mocha, mmm, mmm!

Milk in the Closet said...

Great giveaway!

BTW - I really love the verse you have on your banner!

Susan said...

Grande nonfat vanilla latte. Oh man, now I want one. Thanks for the giveaway.

litabug said...

I'd do about anything for a peppermint mocha! Although with a 6-week-old keeping me up at night, I might get a couple shots of espresso out of necessity. ;-)

Snowbird said...

White Chocolate Mocha--yum!!! Count me in.

Valerie said...

I'm a hot chocolate girl!

Hannah said...

Caramel Cream Frap or a Peppermint Frap. Thanks for the giveaway!!!!!

GiBee said...

I love peppermint mochas!! Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing!

Anonymous said...

White Chocolate Mochas for me!

Please enter me. Thanks!

anislandlife at yahoo dot com

An Island Life

TX Mom said...

Godiva hot chocolate! Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Deborah in Atlanta said...

Caramel Machioto

Anonymous said...

Favorite...Chocolate chip frapps


Don H. said...

Hey!! I hope you didn't forget about us guys =)

Put me in it to win it!

Sarah W. said...

Orange Mocha Frappuchino (oh wait, thats on Zoolander).

I actually heart White Chocolate Mochas!

Email is sarahw56@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I love regular old mochas. :)


Anonymous said...

Mocha decaf puts a smile on my face:) May God bless your generosity!

gail@more than a song said...

Yum, peppermint mocha or white chocolate mocha!

morethansongblog at yahoo dot com

Mommy said...

Please enter me! Carmel Frappichino Thank you for giving away such a nice prize. :)

Bonnie O. said...

I love Peppermint Mochas!!!

Emily said...

Grande Chai Latte is my favorite drink!


Trina and Jophie said...

I've never been to starbucks but sounds like I should!

Count me in!


Teri said...

sweet! I could use a cinnamon dolce latte

Bebemiqui said...

Mmm, green tea frappucino.Great giveaway! Count me in.

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